Friday, April 16, 2010

RED CHINESE pulp ARMY in 28mm

Here's the only thing I've got going in 28mm right now. Just finished off a few pieces had never posted the rest. About 30% done on the over all Red Chinese Pulp Army project,
, acquired all the minis necessary just require paint.
The CHAiRMAN and his energy field other.
Iron Mao -w- General, SMG team & grenadier.
Do or DIes
Do or Dies No shirt
Big Sword Riflemen
Hooded Cultists
Stay tuned, also to feature the insidious Kang, many more hooded cultists, Armored cars, Tanks, and a negative gravity junk. About 30% done on the project, acquired all the minis necessary just require paint.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

irregular 2mm

so i've started this foray into 2mm for Land Ironclads.
it is tiny,
my jury is still out.
here are pics of my first attempts at painting 2mm. enjoy
and as always click the image for a bigger view.